Monday, February 21, 2011


switching to tumblr.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Friday, January 7, 2011

Mir Boziji. Hristos se rodi.

Merry Serbian Christmas. My day will be a combination of eating too much food, working miserably at Bon Ton, and looking at people consume alcohol that I can't have (not because of my age, but because I have mono. The irony is painful)

I also discovered today that I have an abnormal love for cannolis and tiramisu, and I should move to Italy and eat until I die.

Monday, December 20, 2010

vulva original

>>> This. <<<

someone buy this please so i know what the "perfect" vulva smells like

Saturday, October 2, 2010


following a good week is always a bad day. always. i will never deny the inevitability that seven days after a really good moment a tragic one will follow. no matter how many awesome people we think we meet every day, we meet an equivalent amount of assholes. assholes who come across nice or cool, who will fuck you over in a heartbeat. and i don't exaggerate. a heartbeat can mean the second it takes him to walk out the door and leave you hanging, or him turning around the ignore you in front of his friends. i'm probably being dramatic, but i don't think it's fair that moments like these have to happen to me more than 4 times in my little lifetime. i've only been alive for 18 years and 11 months, yet i still think i deserve a little more. does a really loving relationship have to stem from a series of awful, scarring ones? do mean guys even count as relationships?

i am so miserable here.

Monday, September 20, 2010

anais nin

so, i've been reading delta of venus, and i am disappointed. not in the book, because it's written beautifully, but how dull life is in comparison. in context i am pretty naive and inexperienced, but from observing society it seems like the art of lovemaking died years ago. sex was always sex and always will be, but something is lacking, at least in my generation. i feel i will never find a man in my generation who understands what i'm talking about, and that is very, very disappointing.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

my summer in pictures
