Saturday, August 22, 2009

yea so no one reads my blogs and apparently i can't just do it for fun because i like it right? right. because i am a loser.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

so looongg

yes yes yes it's almost been a month. and it's not like i DON'T have anything interesting to write about, in fact, i have a lot of things. a lot of uneccessary things to post on the internet.

for now, i just want to rave about this website i was introduced to called Omegle. Basically, you go on and (in sophie's words) "get hooked up" with random strangers. Technically, you do, and literally, if you're into that sort of thing. I have had so much fun on this website - from serious conversations to silly ones to down right offending ones.

and from THIS, i also discovered Tumblr. Apparently all tumblr people go on omegle and swap links and post pretty pictures and quotes and things. i have one =B >>here<<

so basically, i'm getting sucked into the cyberworld vortex again. help?