Monday, December 28, 2009

last post.


Saturday, December 26, 2009


i am the only girl i personally know that reads feminist literature- and when my mom sees it, she tells me i'm obsessed with sex. and that i need to stop reading books about sex.
the book she saw is called "visions of female sexual power and a world without rape."

p.s. i kind of am obsessed with sex, i just don't like people telling me that i am

Sunday, September 27, 2009

a beautiful moment

riding home from work with mom, it was raining and she had her favorite bosnian music blasting. i reclined the chair and closed my eyes, listening to extremely comforting melodies that made me really nostalgic. once in a while mom would interject with "Ohhhhhhh this is it this is the song!" or "It is terrible. Terrible visibility" and then she would immediately go back to singing along with people who's names nobody can pronounce. i felt so right at that moment i cried a little.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

summer obsessions

this summer i have formed a few sandra fads slash obsessions. these include:

slouchy tees.

I LOVE SLOUCHY TEES. old navy had a crazy sale on these so i bought one in every color. white pink black blue grey dark grey.

knotted things

i need to take pictures of what i'm talking about since i can't find any on google.

arm charmers

i have been seeing these at work for MONTHS and have been obsessed partly because they are displayed by being knotted. so i IOU'd my mom 15 bucks and bought one. again i'll take a picture. but here's an idea.

skinny jeans

i used to think i was too fat for skinny jeans, and now i love them. let me tell you, you have to find the perfect pair. although the model is anorexic, these are my favorite jeans ever.


suspenders are hot, and now i have them. notice how the girl looks 100 times better in them. yar.


i had aysmmetrical hair, earrings, i love asymmetry in general, and this summer i loved it even moar.

jim morrison

i watched the doors. i know he was a loser, but he was a genius loser.

borders peach fruitkula

i probably spent 20 dollars a week on these babies.


sex books

i like to read.

cake batter ice cream

I WANT IT. NOW!!!!!!!!

coin purses

i love things with clasps. and i love little things, and coin purses are little with clasps. it's the perfect combination.

and last but not least (for now)....

my future. RAWR.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

yea so no one reads my blogs and apparently i can't just do it for fun because i like it right? right. because i am a loser.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

so looongg

yes yes yes it's almost been a month. and it's not like i DON'T have anything interesting to write about, in fact, i have a lot of things. a lot of uneccessary things to post on the internet.

for now, i just want to rave about this website i was introduced to called Omegle. Basically, you go on and (in sophie's words) "get hooked up" with random strangers. Technically, you do, and literally, if you're into that sort of thing. I have had so much fun on this website - from serious conversations to silly ones to down right offending ones.

and from THIS, i also discovered Tumblr. Apparently all tumblr people go on omegle and swap links and post pretty pictures and quotes and things. i have one =B >>here<<

so basically, i'm getting sucked into the cyberworld vortex again. help?

Thursday, July 23, 2009


today i had a crazy humus craving. i had flashbacks of my great memories in rochester of eating red bell pepper humus with TLC crackers... and i just had to get some. so i did, along with coconut cream pie and some donuts for vanesa. all in all, it was a beautiful purchase that made me proud i satisfy my urges. well, most of them.

also, if you are not a kate winslet fan and haven't seen all of her movies, i suggest you do so NOW! starting with little children and quills.
unless you're weird about sex - then start with... um... sense and sensibility. you don't see any breasts in that one.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009



eleanor knows everything and i feel so bad when i don't say anything or just stare akwardly. it's hard to explain that i have thoughts in my head that are so loud to me, i forget i actually have to speak to share them with people.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


so, i watched bruno today. it was definitely not as funny as everyone makes it out to be. i mean, there were a couple of lines that were epic. and also, sacha baran cohen surprsingly makes a very good looking austrian homosexual. i think he should look like that all the time.

bonded with the siblings yesterday. splurged on ice cream and was forced to drive to stewart park to sit on benches and expose myself to young children unintentionally.



Saturday, July 18, 2009

here comes the briiiiide

i SWEAR, everyone is getting married. today and yesterday i had at least twenty people all last-minute shopping for weddings occurring today.
i say, if i ever find myself in a position where multiple friends are getting married the same day, i will find out:

1. what the food will be like
2. the availability of good looking men

those two will be my determining factors for which wedding to attend. unless it's eleanor's. then it doesn't matter if the only attendees are 90 year old men and the food tastes like bunny snacks.

i bought these babies today:

or at least something like them. they make me feel cool, not gonna lie.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

you are never bitter, deceptive or petty :-)

eating chinese, contemplating why i always stick my nose in other people's business and try to save others from the emotionally inevitable.

i think, deep inside, i must be a nice person because i can genuinely feel so empathetic for people it makes me sad. especially when i suffered through the same thing. i am always trying to fucking help and "save" people. it never works. we can't change anyone. it makes me not believe in therapy, because they say the best kind of therapy is talking to your friends, but if you don't listen to your friends then what is the fucking poiiintttt.

i wish i could lighten this blog up with some inspiring quotes and witty musings instead of rants.

i'll go pick up some animorphs from the library and watch dr quinn to make myself feel better. yes.

p.s. i would reword this in the way im thinking it, but i realized that saying what you really feel can result in consequences. simply put: you don't have to wear makeup and heels when you go to your friends house for two hours.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Winston Churchill

is the first thing that popped up when i typed "w" in the title space.

i begin baby watching tomorrow. i'm kind of nervous, honestly, but plan to google emergency information. and plus, jackie is going to give me a long ass list on important baby things.

the cousins are here. they aren't supposed to be, and i have to sleep on the couch tonight to retrieve the baby at 7:20 am. i really hope my family doesn't scare her.

midget studio is all set up for the most part. i created a little still potato still life for myself. i'll post pictures of its cuteness.

must go be polite and say hi and whatnot.

and yay my first follower.
e is for eleanor.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

be your own pet

it smells like bunny piss in here.
spent the whole day with E (i don't know if she wants me posting her name so she's E for now) and we rendezvoused, initiated babies, attempted to assemble a drafting table and succeeded in ultimate laziness.
the table was a pain in the ass, but my parents managed to figure it out in the end so now i feel ready to start decorating and feng-shuing my mini studio. there has to be another word for mini. a word that is smaller than mini. i'm going to thesaurus it right now.
oh god midget... hahaha i have a midget studio. (no offense actual midgets who preferred to be called little people)
if i'm not too tired i think i'll haul the rest of my 'supplies' down to the room and maybe start blue-puttying the shit out of it.

p.s. i hate that every time i drive somewhere at night around here, i have to be on deer watch. and in the daytime, amish watch.
hahahahahahahaaa. hahahahahahahahaaa.

Friday, July 10, 2009


things that could make today a good day:

-the washing machine is fixed.
-i spontaneously received a squishy new mattress. i ass-tested it's squishiness and find it satisfying.
- i won lipgloss at work today. random and spearminty.
- i listened to bollywood on my way to work.
-i am going to have freshly shaved legs in about 30 minutes
- i found out we get a phone update in a month. no more ghetto charging-my-battery-in-my-sister's-phone business.
-i get to eat tiramisu in four hours.
- getting an art desk tomorrow. (YAY MINI STUDIO!!)

have to go pick up mutti now. au revoir.

p.s. i hate this new look:

we have 494826358 of this style at work. and whoever came up with these hideous slitted designs is severely mentally challenged.



Thursday, July 9, 2009


i love you, won't you tell me your name?

inspiration is coming from all directions.

i just want to create.

the quote in my about me, although it's someone else's unique quote on their oh-so famous blog, is the perfect description of my being. so i don't feel bad for technically "stealing" it from someone's page. and also, i have read every one of chuck palahniuk's books. i am not cheating.

i went into the gallery today after work to see the light fantastic exhibit. i never actually get to look at everything because if roger is working he will undoubtedly get up and start talking to me. i'm pretty sure he doesn't remember my name though. we talked about advertising, cliches, goals, crooks and pricing art.

doesn't it ever seem kind of ridiculous when like a 6 x 6 painting is priced $400? is it just me? i think it is. i'm not supposed to say those things.

our washing machine needs to be fixed. now. i have a mountain of clothes waiting to be washed behind me. it's sickening.