Thursday, July 9, 2009


i love you, won't you tell me your name?

inspiration is coming from all directions.

i just want to create.

the quote in my about me, although it's someone else's unique quote on their oh-so famous blog, is the perfect description of my being. so i don't feel bad for technically "stealing" it from someone's page. and also, i have read every one of chuck palahniuk's books. i am not cheating.

i went into the gallery today after work to see the light fantastic exhibit. i never actually get to look at everything because if roger is working he will undoubtedly get up and start talking to me. i'm pretty sure he doesn't remember my name though. we talked about advertising, cliches, goals, crooks and pricing art.

doesn't it ever seem kind of ridiculous when like a 6 x 6 painting is priced $400? is it just me? i think it is. i'm not supposed to say those things.

our washing machine needs to be fixed. now. i have a mountain of clothes waiting to be washed behind me. it's sickening.


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