Monday, January 25, 2010

an update for the updated

today is a wonderful day. plenty of reasons:

1. mika makes me happy
2. i had raisin bran for breakfast
3. some bitch teacher made a mean comment and someone stood up for me. that was cool.
4. oh yeah, and i got accepted to COLLEGE.

this is where i start to believe in the law of attraction. i know it seems fruity and magical, but it's not. energy isn't magical. it's science. IT'S MAGICAL SCIENCE!! and this magical science has given me [almost] everything i've ever wanted.

on a materialistic note, i am getting my clarisonic brush tomorrow. it will rejuvinate my face and make me even happier to be alive with fresh clean commercial-worthy skin.

GAWD i am so cheesy. am i too cheesy? don't answer that.


BSOB said...

sounds like a normal day in the life. congratulations on your acceptance.

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